_ duly 8 1948. Dr. Joruld G. “ooley, Mp. Biol. Hed. Institute, “at fonnl Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, “argland. Dear Dr. Vooley: Thenk you for your comments on desoxypyridoxine,. Thay conf irm my a priori hopes that it my be possible to disinfect lysogonic bacteria with ite help. I had in mind that a) the phage ta undoubtedly t ransaltted Antratollulurly (althouch 44 may bo rage;sed porhaps as 2 result of lysis) ang b) thut it wight bo possible to set up a situation where the bacteria Mmuitiplied more rapidly than tho phage did, more or less analcovously to kappa in Farumscdiua, Cader those olreuutances, save of the bacteria mignt loge U.ielr phaga. If you vould predict a different coures of events when the lydogonis bacteria wre grovia fn ay mthotie medi. with desoxy< pyvidesdas, please Let me know. Conversely, tre lysogetic orraniam may well provide a superior means of testing the offlezcy of «antiviral agents, and I will certainly let you isnow how thio works out. Sincescly yours, Joshua Lederberg, Assistant Professor of Genetics, » es ° fe eee ad xa!