INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA “EPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY April 27, 1950 Contributors to the Section on Genetics of Microorganisms, Vol. By Methods in Medical Research Dear Contributor: The galley proof of the section is now in my hands and any changes that you would care to make should reach me by May 2nde Remember that I do not have the original manue script, which is being used by the professional proof readers.e Therefore, if you wish to make any changes, attach them to a copy of the original manuscript, wiich I shall return to you as soon ag I have used it. Please do not make any changes that involve additions of new paragraphs. The only reprints available will be a few that will be sent free by the publishers. ‘The funds for reimbursement of expenses will be available as soon as the volume appears, presumably in June, 1950. With many thanks for your cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, SF Lorca wb S$. Ee Luria Gos Dre Be Me Witkin Dr» Franols D. Ryan ee Dre de Lederberg ge"