MERCK & CO., INC. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION November £3, 1951 Via AIR MAIL Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: Dre Karl Folkers and I expect to be in Madison on Tuesday, December 11. We would like very much to visit you during the afternoon of that day if convenient for yous We have been employing your technique for ob- taining mutant cultures using penicillin as a selective agent and are very much interested in other phases of your studies which have been described in the literature. I was present at the symposium at Cold Springs Harbor when you originally described your studies with Dr. Tatum on gene recombination in microorganisms and have been most interested in the subsequent developments. Dre Folkers has been most interested in your studies on microbial genetics and the leads which they have given towards understanding the bicchemical processes in microorganisms. I hope that the indicated time will be satisfac- tory for our visit. If not, we could probably arrange a meeting on Wednesday, December 12. Please let me know whether the proposed visit is satisfactory with you. Sincerely yours, o / r “ MB Wgebud / He Be Woodruff Assistant Director HBW:EJS Microbiological Research