MERCK & CO. INC. RAHWAY, N. J. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION October 23, 1947 AIR MAIL Dr. Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: In response to your letter of October 10, we referred your question in regard to the avail- ability of desthiobiotin to Dr. Karl Folkers, Director of our Organic and Biochemical Research Department, who replied that dl-desthiobiotin is more available potentially than biotin but that we have made no particular effort to prepare large samples of desthiobiotin. You have no doubt received by this time the samples of biotin and 4-methyl-5-8-hydroxyethyl thia- zole, which were sent later than the other five items. If we can be of any further help to you, please feel free to ask, Sincerely yours, e,.wW oe ew h C. Woodruff Director, Microbiological Research JCW/ jef