February 12, 1947. Dear Dr. Woodruff: As you may recall from thessymposium at Cold Spring Harbor last summer, I have been working here in Prof. Tatum's laboratory on the Bpparent recombination of genetic factors in Escherichia coli. A brief reprint summarizing some of our conclusions is enclosed: In this work, the study of such factors as resistance to bacteriphage has been partkoularly fruitful, sugeesting that other resistance characters might be equally useful. Ye are particularly anxious to stuay the inheritance of resistance to antibiotics. The range of antibiotics applicable to #scherichia coli is of course not as extensive as if we were dealing with a gram-+ organism. We are using streptomycin now, and would like toe try other antibiotics, resis- tance to which is independent of that to streptomycin. I have particularly in mind streptothricin. I should appreciate it very greatly indeed if you could let me know how I might obtain reasonable quantities of this agent (2-400,000 E. coli. inh. units), or even better, if you coulda yourself supply me with same. While purified material would be preferable, it need not be of the same degree of purification as would be demanded for chemical studies. If you should have in mind any other agents which might be suitable, or any other suggestions, I would like to hear from you about them. Yours sincerely, ¥ : f I f jg nop od a -' Joshua Lederberg. \e Seance ee