CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND. N. Y. June 23, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: I am writing to ask whether you can help us out of a difficulty we have run into in connection with our Bacterial Genetics course, As you may know, we include in our curriculum a simple recombin- ation experiment using K-12, which will be supervised this year by Norton Zinder. We find that the stocks we have used previously are lost, and Norton has suggested that we ask you if you could supply them for us. We need Y-l1\0, Y-70, Y-70/1 (if you have it--- otherwise we can put the phage markers on Y-/0 here), and 58-161, The course starts July 15, and as we like to run through each ex- periment beforehand, we would be deeply grateful if you could send us the stocks immediately. If any of these is not available, we could use any set of stocks that would make possible a simple cross, reciprocal with regard to unselected markers, Also, we are trying to build up a reprint library for use by our students, and would appreciate your sending us for this purpose two copies of any of your reprints that may be available, With best wishes for a pleasant summer, Cordially yours, - ae (yr EMW: bl Evelyn M. Witkin