June 14, 1949. Dr. Evelyn M. Witkin, Dept. Genetics, Carnegie Institution, Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Dear Evelyn, How does it feel to be 2 mother, Fvelyn? Belated congratuletions, and sincere best wishes! The point of this letter is to ask you about your experience in teaching microbial genetics at Brooklyn. I'm planning a lecture course at a fairly ele- mentary level, designed rather for bacteriology than genetics majors. If you hapven to have made up a lecture outline, I'd like very much to see it, to- gether with any comments and suggestions that you might have. I expect you're pretty busy, so don't bother to answer this until you can do so easily. I hope to be hearing from you fairly soon about the mechanics of the Microbial Genetica Bulletin. Sincerely, | Joshua Lederberg.