Bvenber al, 1949 Dear Lu- We can afford to wait any reasonable length of time for the refund. is} _Conserning your question, I think you fused two commente: 1. That a threonine—histidineless mitant, obtained via Tz, in two steps, yields "double~-reversion" prototrophs almost as frequently ae single reversions. This was not inkK-12, and I have no good idea of the mechanism, unless by chance a suppressor of T~ has a like effect on H-~. 2. Pairs of antibacterial agents (e.g. Streptomycin and aside gan be used to select doubly-resiatant recombinants from a mixture of comlemantary parents...e. 3? This may be it: Streptomycin resistant coli also resists strepto- thricin., (Wakeman agrees). Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg