CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND. N. Y. July 19, 1947 Dear Joshua, Thanks a lot for your comments on my Genetics paper. Sénee this is a hasty note, with a sinister purpose, I hope you'll forvive me if © don't discuss the points you raised just now. A fuller letter on this will follow eventually. Brie@ly, what this note is concerned_with is this: A number of us Carnegie-ites ( Newcombe, Beale, Poerman and yours truly -- Bryson too, probably, tho we haven't asked him yet) got to talking about your material and techniques, and we all agreed it would be verv nice to get some pointers from you about them. We decided to ask you whether you would care to visit Carnegie for a few days, or as long as you find necessary, to give a course in the sex life of K - 12. There will probably be just the five of us, and from our point of view it would be better if you could come here, rather than having one of us see you at Yale, and report second hand. Since Dr. Demerec is away on vacation, and is unreachable, this is not official, but nonetheless we have arranged to pay your eEpenses, and have made sure that there will be a room for you, and for Esther too if she comes along. Having no idea whether youre too busy for such a jaunt or not, we thought we'd ask you anyhow, and hope that you're able to come. As far as we're concerned, any time at all is satisfactory, thexamiyxunza with the exception of July 30 and the following few days, since Newcombe will be away then. If some time this summer is out, we'll all still be here in the fall, tho we hope that you can meke it some time soon. Can you let me know the verdict as soon as possible? Apologies for the rush, but I will write again, With best regards to you and Esther, Yours Cul