April 10, 1946 Dear Josh-- I was delighted to hear about your appointment at Yale (or is it a fellowship?). Anyway, welcome to bacterial genetics. I'm sorry not to have sent the culture sooner, but I have been exceptionally swamped with work this past week. I sent an agar slant, naturally under separate cover. As to dope about B/r--I don't know what you especially want to know, but here are a few tidbits--The lag phase in both is about 45 minutes, and the division time is 19 minutes. The strain will grow luxuriously in a synthetic medium with ammonium nitrogen, salts and glucose. We call this medium M-9, but I don't know if it's standard. If you like, I can send you the recipe. The [...] time in this medium is about 45 minutes. If you plan to use ultra-violet, you might find the survival curve of this strain [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] useful. A rather rough curve will be published in my paper in the March PNAS, which should be out any day. If you want more refined curves, I have them and will be glad to pass them on. I don't think any of the other dope I have will be of any use to you, but let me know if there are any special problems. I will be very interested to know about your work, if you are able to write or drop around when you're in N.Y. Will you be attending the Symposium here in July? It's on the genetics of micro-organisms, July 1-15. Perhaps I'll see you then. Sincerely, Evelyn