INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY February 19, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: We would be delighted to have you and Zsther spend Sunday the 29th with us. I shall be in the Kast on the 27th and 28th, but hope to get back (if flying conditions are OK) the night of the 28th; otherwise, on the 29th, I am planning also to drive to Cincinnati on Monday morning early and am taking my wife and Geoffrey Beale (of Edinburgh) along with me. We will take our own car. If we don't finish up what we have to say to each other before leaving Cincinnati, you could drive back here and stay over with us again. We'd be very glad to have you either or both times, at your convenience and pleasure. Would you care to tell my group informally about your recent work? We meet on Friday nights usually, but could mke it any evening that suits you if you'd be willing to do it. We meet in the kitchen of ny lab—or in my home--and like to be free to ask questions and make comments ad lib. I doubt. whether we'd contribute much to you, but we'd get a lot from you. You means you and Hsther. I'd like you both to talk. There is plenty of time,--we meet at & PM and--with a break for refreshments--can keep going till 10:30 or ll. Also, if you'd like to wander around our lab and see what's going on, talking to each of the people, they'd be thrilled to have you. Let me know your wishes and I'll make arrangements to correspond. Cordially, a, TMS: jb T. M. Somneborn % fh Pa bat dat fi Sermcenan fens world G Rarolny wtnuye, Marek 2 om Me wey broad f Concectnenanth' haf CB, anadke c¥ Auethe, Faas of Fett Gon Atty.