INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Jamuary 29, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Thank you for your preview of the cancer conference paper. 4s usual, I am behind the @-ball and have not written a word on mine. I had arranged with Andervont, as you have, to disregard the title assigned to me and to speak primarily on cellular heredity as it appears in the study of Paramecium. I plan to set forth in a 7eneral way the principal features of the killer, antigen, and mating type stories. There are certain points of contact with tumor problems that at present seem to me worth mentioning, though I'11 not know precisely how mich I'll say about this until I ret something on paper. As soon as I get an outline or paper ready, I'll shoot a copy to youe I must first finish e paper for the PNaS which is my part of a trilogy by Chao, Nanney and myself. as it is, my paper is holding up the others anc I don't want to prolong the delay. ith best greetings to you and usther, Cordially, THS : jb T. Ee Sonngborn