INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY October 23, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: I'm very glad to have your letter of the 18th. Let me try to make the situation clear and simple. I have no intention of abandoning the comprehensive book and never had. I merely asked Behnke whether he thought the briefer alternative would be more appropriate. Never- theless, I feel now, as I felt a year ago, that the comprehensive book will be better and will be done much sooner if you take over the major responsibility for the vart on viruses and bacteria. I feel that I am now in a position to do the parts on Algae, Protozoa, and Fungi; but I have never gone over the literature on the Viruses and Bacteria with anything like the same degree of thoroughness. This means that, if I had to do the whole job, it would undoubtedly be three years before I got that part done. For I just don't do a thorough literature job unless I'm giving a course, and I wouldn't treat those groups till 1954 the way my present course schedule is set up. If you want the book out sooner, you can do it by collaborating. I'm delighted that the situation is just that rough, for it may sell you the idea. Now, as to a conference, I'll be glad to have you and usther here any week end that suits you. If you'd rather not make so long a trip, perhaps we could meet in Chicago. I have to pet there occision- ally and will be there Sunday and Monday next week (the 2&th & 29th). My time on those two days will be pretty well filled, but if necessary I could stay over part of Tuesday. Undoubtedly, I will be getting back to Chicago several times during the winter and verhans a later date would be better. I see no need for great rush because I cannot possibly do much work on the book until next semester. I'd like to plan to start in February and, if possible, get through before the end of next summer, I'm counting on your joining in and hope we will not find too many points of major difference in our aprroach to the matter. with best regards, Tu TMS: jb T, M. Sonnetorn