INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA =PARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY December 11, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of tisconsin hadison 6, Wisconsin Jear Joshua: l was very glad to get your letter of December 1 with your expression of opinions about the fate of the volume. In my opinion, you would have no difficulty whatever selling an edition of 500 cories over the next five years if the subject matter is restricted to bacteria. As you know, the number of workers in bacterial genetics is rapidly increasing, and more and more of the classical bacteriologists are beccming interested in this work, Further, all those who are interested in the genetics of rungi and viruses will want to have available the material on genetics of bacteria. It would seem to me that your chances of selling out the edition in the time you indicate are excellent, but of course this is nerely a guess. Vo try to convince the vress that this is the thing to do, If, however, you should change your mind and want my capers, let me know. with all good wishes, vordially yours, T. hon 3 a ga oQ