INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY April 22, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Elise Cahn, who is now assisting Bernie Davis, has asked me to write you a letter of recommendation for an assistantship with you. She was in my class in Genetics of Microorganisms and impressed me as being very intelligent and thoughtful. I have not had her in laboratory and so know nothing about her ability as a worker. Davis! judgment on that, as well as on her work habits and drive, would be worth far more than anything I could say. You know of course about our loss of Luria and Gunsalus. I have suggested to McClung that he do everything in his power to bring you here. He feels that it would be im- possible to pry you loose from Wisconsin, particularly after hearing rumors about an offer you turned down at Chicago. Would you care totell me anything that might guide my action here? Would you consider an offer? If so, would you indicate roughly what would be required to steal you? You understand, of course, that I have only the power of sugvestion and cannot insist on anything, but both McClung and the Dean have asked for my views (which they both might utterly disregard). With best regards to you and your wife, Cordially yours, TMS:igp hen