Dear Joshue, I just learned tofiay about the AAS prize and was very disappointed. I owe you a real apology for having raised your hopes and am terribly sorry I said anything to you about it. Yet I did so want you to be prepared to give them a strong account of the background of your present paper if you were called upon to do so,that I finally decided yom should be warned of the possibility in order to make some preparation. The time I was callad in I was so taken by surprise that I could hardly speak. Of course the decision of the judges is final, but you should know,a.s I hope you do,that the geneticists hold you and your work in the very highest esteem. There was absolutely no disagreement among those whom I con- sulted before makéeng the recommendation from the program of our society. I know how you feel about all this and how you disapprove of prizes. I share your views to some extent, but not fully. With very best regards to you and your wife, cordially,