INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY September 7, 1949 Dr, Jd, Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Thank you very much for sending the manuscript, one copy of which I have given to Bernie Davis asking for his comments, as I told you I would do. I have a few suggestions that I would like to include, if you don't mind, In the first place, I think at Fage 5 the reference to the paper by Davis in the J.A.C.S. should be added, At Page 7 I would add after the first paragraph the follewing sentences: "The concentration of penicillin suggested (300 units per ml) is required because of the low sensitivity of organisms such as Salmonella or Lscherichia. Lower concentrations may be sufficient for other organisms". a 9 At Page 10, Line 4, I would indicate the concentration of Tween 80/54: At Page 17, I think you should expand the paragraph on genetic recombina- tion to about one page, including statement of the reasoms why no specific techniques are given. In the present form, in spite of a few attempted changes on my part, it will be almost completely ununderstandable to the unacquainted reader,who would not understand the reletion of nutritional mutents to recombination unless the basic experiment is descrited in a little preater detail, I hope this will be the last time I shall bother you. The next time you will receive, I hope, a check, which is supposed to cover the typing and mailing expenses, With best regards, nw vb S. B, Luria P.S. Please let me know if your title, to be included in the Volume, is correct as follows; Assistant Professor of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, ifisconsin.e