UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN—MADISON DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 1550 Linden Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Telephone: 608-262-2914 December 10, 1974 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA 94305 Dear Josh: Please forgive me for being so slow at this but I never did seem to be able to see Bill Sarles. I had the idea that he might be more fruitful than most of us around here as he was a good friend of Bill Wright. Wright I knew Bill/only two years as I took most of my work over in the L and S School. I remember taking two courses in Bacteriology, or maybe it was three; one in Agronomy and something else and those were the only agricultural courses I was blessed with. I had come here with two years of engineering and most of my credits were connected with engineering, but those were the days when they didn't have so many things to bother the kid with and they let me take the majority of my work in the L and S$ School. I got a pretty good education taking all of chemistry and a great deal of math. I don't know whether this will help you any. The group around here thought that the work was done so far back and that man's knowledge of the chemistry of enzyme recognition was so vague that it is more of historical interest than anything else. I obtained the enclosed reprint quite by accident, We were moving books, etc. and Miss McCoy happened to remember seeing it. I am also enclosing a couple of inquiries that were made by Professor Brink. I can't read them very well and I am just sending them along to you. Well, I hope this will be of some value to you though I think it is more of historical interest than anything else. Sincerely yours, ay i. df Bio Perry W. Wilson PWW:is COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL AND LIFE SCIENCES