UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 7 Department of Bacteriology August 23, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I enjoyed meeting you and your wife during your brief stay in our department and am sorry I didn't get to have lunch with you. However, I have since become indoctrinated in bacterial genetics by Bernie Davis. I attended his course at Cal Tech this summer and found it extremely interesting. Bernie devised an excellent laboratory schedule which acquainted us with the more important techniques in, and contributions to bacterial zeneticse I became quite interested in the subject and hope to do some work along Bernie's line using vitamins. For this reason I would like to build up a reprint collection in bacterial genetics and wonder if you would be kind enough to send me any of your reprints you might still have on the subjecte If you see Dr. Crow would you give him my regards as a former student of his at Dartmouth Collere. Thanking you in advance for any reprints, I am Robert P. Williams, PhD Instructor Department of Bacteriology RPW/mar