UNIVERSITY OF OREGON FEB24 1964 INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EUGENE, OREGON 21 February, 1964 Dr, Sruce stocker 107 Hurlingham Road London 3 W 6, Sagland Dear Bruce, de would like it very much if you could come to Eugene for a seminar when you are in the U.S, this May. oon after the Microbiology meetings, @.g. diring the period May 13-15 would be agreeable to us. we will provide for the expenses of your transportation to and from the west coast. ace 1 hope you do not mind the fact that 1 am informing Josh eo and Hershel Reman that you will be on the west coast since they may also want to nave you visit then. when your schedule is arranged pleese let me know when to expect you here, and a title for your seminar. I - also plan to be at the 5 AM meetings and will see “ you there, Best regards, Aaron Novick ee: Lederberg Roman He oe pork, Cen