INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA May 23, 1949 Bacteriology Department Dre Je Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: I forgot to tell you in Cincinnati that Kauffman has asked me to "lead the discussion" on senetic recombination in bacteria and phage at Snelter Island. If with you, I plan to start with a few remarks on comparative recombinolosy, then put you up for a summary of the essentials of your work, and then let people discuss it. Then I'll put Al up, then myself. Tney have projector and blackboard, if you want theme Regarding your comments on our Geneties paper, the correction obviously consists in subtractine from the total number of bacteria those with one or more active particles, and calculate the bacteria with two or more phages among the remaininre ones: r “Ki xe t= (ett )e }e In our experiments, this correction was always negligible, since one cannot obtain date for r <3. Por r © 3 the correction is of the order of See ©6OOf course, this makes it impossible to use high multiplicities at low doses. This is elso go in case of phages poorly reactivated, since the optimum zone to test reactivation is never velow r~5, Itli see you in Long Island. best regards,