2-18-60 Dear Josh, I am still trying to arrange the AAAS symposium in Eugene next June 14 on "The Exploration of Space". Neither Calvin or Urey can make it. Carl Sagan will come and I have tentatively accepted two people from the JPL at Dick's suggestion. Eyring would like to see some big names on it, but I prefer to hear the people doing the work. We still need a moderator and possibly a speaker. Is there someone from the Space Science Board that you might suggest? I am very sorry to miss the Feb 29 meeting as it sounds like an especially interesting one. My itinerary in [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] next two weeks is Feb 19-23 NYC with Szilard 24-26 Biophysical Society mtg--Philadelphia 27-28 NYC 29-Mar 1 NSF panel in Wash Mar 2 Chicago Mar 3 Eugene Best regards Aaron P.S. Obviously I will be very grateful for any help with the Symposium.