May 9, 1949. Dr. Sk. Luria, Dept. Bacteriology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Dear Lue I've just bean reading your and Dulbecco's paper in Genetics. If possible can you reeerve 2 or 3 reprints for me, for clase use? Thanks. On p. 103. 3th paragraph, I'm not quite clear what correction you use for aative phage. In order to mke w correspond to y, I take 1t that you want to aliminate infective centers starting from cells singly infected, and therefore with an active particie. The expression for y seems to include cells multiply infected all or in part with active phage.I don't suppose this fs very vital for values of r more than 2 or 3, or anywhere that w » eT, but i'm curioua to know how you handled this problem. From the paner, I might have inferred that the correction was merely total active _ A phhgo (s~*) or total infective centere containing active phage (1- -—Ke ) | possibly rather than cells singly infected with active phage, (xe -*). Sie It just occurs to ma that where reactivation fis very slight, as in Tl, or with X-rays, this mtter might be very imortant. Lat ae know what you think, Are you going to Cinnoinnati? If I see you there, I'd like to see whether we can arrange to go out to Shelter Island together from the airport. Sincerely,