UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The College ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY 38th St. and Woodland Ave. December 15 ยป 1952 Dre Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: In reply to your letter of December 8th, I may say that I sent all the manuscripts for the Volume on "Sex in Microorganisms" to Washington on October 13th except one which did not reach me until two weeks later. I did not receive any word from the A. A. A. S. until recently when a letter from Dr. Meyerhoff stated that the Executive Committee had ac- cepted the Volume subject to the approval of a referee, who had not yet submitted a report. Dr. Meyerhoff did not anticipate an unfavorable report. Mr. John Bencke, who has recently joined the administrative staff of the A. A. A. S. will have charge of the publication arrangements. I am awaiting some word from hime It is inconceivable that proofs will not be made available to authors. It may be that when I hear from Mr. Bencke, I can persuade him to let you have your manuscript back long enough to make the changes you indicated in your letter. I shall try to arrange for this when I have an opportunity. Very sincerely yours, D. He Wenrich DHW: se