UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The College ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY 38th St. and Woodland Ave. May 7, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg; I have been waiting for word from Dr. Meyerhoff about format etc. for the Volume on "Sex in Microorganisms". Finally after writing him, I received an answer to some of my questions. He has agreed to a one-column format like their more recent Volumes on "Brucellosis" and "Pituitary~Adrenal Function". ‘These Volumes can be used as guides to general format, references to the literature, ete. Dr. Meyerhoff wanted an estimate on the size of the Volume. Can you give me an estimate as to the number of pages your paper will cover? He also wanted an estimate on sales. Would you be willing to make a guesson the demand for the Volume? Dr. Meyerhoff also approved the formation of an editorial committee for this Volume consisting of Dr. Ivey Lewis, Dr. John R. Raper and myself. I may say that I feel that appropriate illustrations are essential to an adequate presentation of such materials as we expect to incorporate in this Volume. In regard to the matter of the cytology of the bacteria, I shall depend on you and Dr. Hutchinson to present the most significant material in this field. Very sincerely yours, DHE D. He. Wenrich DHW: se