UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The College ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY 38th St. and Woodland Ave. February 25, 1952 Dre Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I wish to thank you for your letter of February 2Z2ist, and I am very much pleased that you have consented to prepare a brief chapter on the genetics of bacteria as evidence for the existence of "sex". Of course, you are quite welcome to invite anyone you wish as co-author or coeauthorse In regard to format, etc., 1 have no instructions as yet. In my last letter to Dr. Meyerhoff I asked if they had any suggestions or instructions to guide us in the preparations of chapters, but I have not had a reply.- Possibly we may not receive any such guidance until after the meeting of the Publications Committee on March 2lst. In my letter to Dr. Meyerhoff I stated that I considered adequate illustrations essential to the proper preparation of this kind of material. As long as we are embarked on the preparation of a Volume on "Sex in Micro- organisms", I believe that we should present as well rounded a picture on the subject as possible. I shall ask you, therefore, if you think we should have a chapter on the cytological (chromosomal) evidence in bacteria such as that pre-e sented by Robinow, Bisset and Delamater. I find that some bacteriologists are unwilling to accept this cytological evidence, while others appear to welcome it as an important contribution. Will you let me have your advice on this matter. Drs. Hutchinson and Stempen will present their evidence for cell fusion among bacteria as they did for the Symposiun. With very best wishes, I am Most sincerely yours, D. He Wenrich DHW: se