UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The College ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY 38th St. and Woodland Ave. February 18, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: You will recall that we invited you to participate in our Symposium on “Sex in Microorganisms" that was given in Philadelphia on December 30th, 1951, but you found it impossible to be with us. Dre N. Visconti of Cold Spring Harbor gave us a very nice presentation of the evidence for sex in viruses but discussed the evidence in the bacteria only very briefly. A volume on "Sex in Microorganisms" is being planned based upon our Symposium. Dr. Visconti would like to limit his chapter to the viruses, hence, we very much hope that you will give us a chapter on "sex" in the bacteria. A deadline date of September lst is being set for the receipt of completed manuscripts. Reprints in reasonable numbers are to be available. At the Symposium, Drs. Hutchinson and Stempen presented motion pictures of fusion of bacterial cells and have agreed to write a short chapter on this subject for the volume. If for any reason you may not be able to provide us with the chapter as indicated, will you kindly recommend alternative authors. Very sincerely yours, D. He Wenrich DHW: sc