UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The College ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY 38th St. and Woodland Ave. may 26, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: Il am very much encouraged by your indication that you may be able to participate in our symposium on "Sex in microorganisms", and I very much hope that you will decide to be with us. Dr. Raymond L. Taylor, Assistant Administrative Secretary of the A. A. A. S., in charge of the meetings at Philadelphia, wants our complete program at the earliest possible date. I hope, therefore, that you can make an early decision about contributing a paper. Dr. Taylor said that we could take up the matter of publication later. Apparently, he believes that the symposium should be published. lle is very enthusiastic about this program and believes that it will attract a large audience. He has suggested that it be held on Sunday, December 30, one session in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. I have a tentative acceptance from Dr. John R. Raper to sive us the story about fungi. I asked Dr. Gilbert ii. Smith to do the paper on unicullular algse. He has written that he cannot come, hence I am looking for a substitute. If you have any good ideas for the speaker on this subject, please pass them along. story of the hormone-induced sexual cycles agpellates. i have asked Dr. sonneborn to discuss sex in paramecium but have not received a reply. I am looking around for someone to present an over-all comparative victurs of the sex situation in the various groups of protozoa but as yet have not found the right man, For the Protozoologists’ session I have eee Dr. Cleveland to tell the s@ want as strong @ program as we can get, and we should be most disappointed if you found it impossible to come. I am sorry to say that no one has suggested that there are any funds available to pay travel expenses, The universities usually take careof that aspect of the matter. I shall wait a week or so hoping to have your acceptance in the very near future. Very sincerely yours, SH DH. Yenrich DEY:se