University of California Department of Botany Berkeley 4, California, U. S. A. Wii ¥ (144 soar Dy. Ledurbeny From August 1948 to September 1949 I was away from Berkeley on sabbatical leave, During my absence reprints, journals and so forth w ere held here, and I have just recently been able to go over and sort this material. May I now, therefore, express my gratitude to you for the reprints received from your laboratory during the past year. They will be most useful to us in our teaching and research programe Very sincerely, Ralph Emerson TT beaky he veny wee Yes La Ak, aig Ho ooe Yuk pane “ Uerdidy 2. 1495 Hk ey ye ort ou Saleen Aa daa, vf ve VaR AALS bunny Ke Ly AMAA AU" hk & ws