UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA November 18, 1957 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: The University of California is cmsidering the appointment of Aaron(NovicĀ® to a position, either in Biology or Biophysics, on this campus. As you may know, the plan is to expand the teaching and research on this campus, but the organization is not yet firn. Consequently, the alternatives mentioned above are somewhat nominal at this stage, Professor Novick has given us permission to contact you as a reference. If you would be kind enough to write us, I am certain that your opinion would carry great weight. For your information, the instructions to our appointment committees require them to consider a candidate's qualifications in each of the following four categories: Teaching Research Professional Competence University and Public Service. Very truly yours, Cue Gakurt Carl Eeckart for the Director