June 18, 1953 Dear Josh, Jacob will arrive in Chicago on Monday. Evans (Biochemistry) has arranged for him to give a seminar on Tuesday or Wednesday. As soon as Jacob gets here I'll find out when he wants to arrive in Madison and will let you know. He's a very nice guy so take good care of him. We missed you at CSH, both personally and scientifically. Szilard and I were behind Tatum's call. I think I sensed why you did not come and I sympathize with your position. Watson seemed a little sore and I urged him to visit you. You'll never recognize him. He only talks English. The intelligent people at CSH feel like I do. Even if this that Hayes says is correct it is really only one detail of your story that is wrong--and even this detail seems almost semantic. We feel that your contributions have been so great as to make me somewhat angry at Watson and Hayes. I fear I can only express myself properly orally so I'll defer elaboration. There was nothing new at the symposium. It was pretty much the usual Delbruck dominated show. [END PAGE ONE ] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Dulbecco's polio plaques were pretty; Hershey gave a good, if cryptic, talk. Norton made the mistake of reading his MS and this made it hard to follow. There were many long, dull, and poorly presented papers by the virologists and an occasional bact. virologist. Bertani out did himself--best talk I've heard him give. By the way I hope we get to see you before we take-off. Our itinerary is roughly below. July 23-25 Go to NYC July 28 Sail on Flandre Aug 6-23 Paris--at 92 Rue c/o Dr Robert Weill Jouffroy, Paris XVII Aug 24-31 Bellagio (genetics) Sept 1-6 Undecided Sept 6-12 Rome (microbiology) Sept 12-25 Wonder around Italy After this again in Paris at 92 Rue Jouffroy and Inst Pasteur. What you guys planning to do this ete? Regards to Esther Aaron David is becoming motile--or mobile.