5/6/53 Dear Josh, Today I am sending you four plates labeled 4/25, 4/30, 5/2, and 5/4. They indicate the day the 58-161 chemostat was plated. As you recall it was inoculated on 4/22/53 and the first plating was made on 4/23. The machine runs at 2.4 hr generation time and calling 4/23 zero. We have 20 generation for 4/25, 70 generation for 4/30, 90 generation for 5/2, and 105 generation, for 5/4 On early am of 5/3 the machine was accidentally stopped for 12 hours and then was restarted. The machine has enough liquid to run for 20 days or 200 generations. We'll continue at least until then. We met E A Anderson last week-end on his way to Pasadena. We enjoyed him very much and have succeeded in convincing him to spend another day in Chicago on his way back. He should arrive in Chicago on Sunday May 17. He will come up to Madison on Monday--probably in the morning of May 18. I told him I'd give you this information. As usual little new here. We got our passports but David's is still not here. Best Regards Aaron