Gp oo £ INDIANA UNIVERSITY f oF A M BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA Hee : DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY December 10, 1948 Dr, J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: In connection with your visit to Bloomington, scheduled for January 7th and 8th, the Department of Bacteriology and the genetics group would like to have you give a seminar on your work, particularly on the work on recombination in its latest phases. The time that would be most convenient is on Thursday night January 6th, if you could arrange to arrive one day earlier. Everybody is very anxious to meet you and hear yourtalk. ~ Please let me know as soon as possible if you can make it. If it is impossible for you to arrive on Thursday, you may find a way to arrive on Friday earlier than 6:30, in which case we could arrange for a seminar in the afternoon of Friday. The only direct way to reach Bloomington from Chicago is by the Monon railroad, leaving Chicago either at 1:30 P.M. or at 11:00 P.M. from Union Station. + 7 , Otadrer 1S - bes Syl Otherwise Bloomington can be reached by plane to Indianapolis. I could pick you up at the air port if you decide to come that way. Hoping that you can arrange to give this talk, and looking for- ward to seeing you soon again, I am Sincerely yours, raat AALAL 8. EB. Luria SEL: dd