BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CARL LAMANNA, R. E. BUCHANAN CARL LAMANNA, CHAIRMAN SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS R. E. BUCHANAN H. H. MCKINNEY M. H. SOULE AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION M. H. SOULE CUR AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF 2029 M STREET, N. W. FREEMAN A WEISS *ATHOLOGISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS WASHINGTON 6, D. Cc. * D. H. WENRICH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS ASSISTANT CURATOR R, W. DAVIDSON R. LLOYD PHILLIPS MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ISABELLA S. BOULDIN, BACTERIOLOGIST edie RUTH D. DAVIS, BACTERIOLOGIST AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES R. D. COGHILL, G. W. IRVING, JR. SECRETARY-MANAGER NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL KATHERINE ALVORD April h, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Devartment of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: Thanks for the additional instruction sheets, We have every intention of developing this into a substantial research project, and applying for a subsidy from the U. S. Public Health Service or other sponsor, Just now we are tied up in negotiations with Camp Detrick on another project which, if it zvoes through, will use up all the personmel and space we have. Until this project is settled, we have only spare time for the silica gel study but I do want to keep it going so as to be able to expand it to a major operation at first opportunity. Sincerely yours Firetree ae Ql. Lhect+ Freeman A. Weiss Curator