BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARL LAMANNA, R. E. BUCHANAN SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS H. H. MCKINNEY AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY M. H. SOULE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PATHOLOGISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS D. H. WENRICH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS R. W. DAVIDSON MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA N. R. SMITH AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES R. D. COGHILL, G. W. IRVING, JR. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CARL LAMANNA, CHAIRMAN R. E. BUCHANAN M. H. SOULE AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION 2029 M STREET. N. W. CURATOR WASHINGTON 6, FREEMAN A, WEISS D. Cc. ASSISTANT CURATOR R. LLOYD PHILLIPS ISABELLA S. BOULDIN, BACTERIOLOGIST RUTH D. DAVIS, BACTERIOLOGIST SECRETARY-MANAGER KATHERINE ALVORD March 26, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: The silica-gel-dried cultures of BE, coli and Shigella that you sent us in february were opened efter a month end both grew promptly upon transferring the granules to broth, Thank you very much for this courtesy and for the leaflet explaining your procedure, The mechanical features of this process eppear to be admirable, We have wondered how the exceptionally neet end stout seal is accomplished. The National Type Culture Collect- ion of =ngland is now sending out dried cultures, produced by the ordinery lyophile process, which are encased in a small balsa wood block with e cardboard cover, sealed with plastic tape, This is about the ultimate in preparing bacterial cultures for transport by air mail. Can you conveniently send us two more of the direction sheets? I am asking the Washington Academy for a small grant to support ea study of this method and the application must be in duplicate, With thanks. Sincerely yours, J Freenan A, Weiss Curator PAW /ap