BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARL LAMANNA, R. E. BUCHANAN SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS H. H. MCKINNEY AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY M. H. SOULE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PATHOLOGISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS D. H. WENRICH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS R. W. DAVIDSON MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA N. R. SMITH AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES R, D. COGHILL, G. W. IRVING, JR. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION 2029 M STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: March 12, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CARL LAMANNA, CHAIRMAN R. E, BUCHANAN M. H. SOULE CURATOR FREEMAN A. WEISS ASSISTANT CURATOR R. LLOYD PHILLIPS {SABELLA S, BOULDIN, BACTERIOLOGIST RUTH D. DAVIS, BACTERIOLOGIST SECRETARY-MANAGER KATHERINE ALVORD 1952 My correspondence with you relative to your silica gel method of preserving bacterial cultures has admittedly been desultory, but quite I am greatly interested in this process and appreciate your courtesy in bringing it to my attention and coaching me about it. We have not done more with it to date because our working force has been de- pleted by accidents and illness since mid-December, precluding consistent attention to anything beyond routine culture transfers and filling orders. We have not yet reactivated the Lisbonne-Carrére strain of E. coli and the indicator Shigella which you sent, as Dr. Berteni Kindly furnished growing unintentionally soe cultures of the same and Dr. Wyckoff was ina hurry to get them. The silica gel culture of E. coli that you sent me last September was inviable when tested five months later; but, as your circular letter implies, this process is not to be recommended as yet for long term storages Even if the viability were preserved for only six months--which might be insured even with the present technique if refrigerated storage is employed, it would be a signi- ficant gain over our present transfer routine. present difficulties in sending cultures great distances by maile It would also eliminate some In order to carry on more extensive testing of the method, which our wide range of microorganisms certainly fits us to do, I am going to request a This will be only a small amount, but it will help to provide regular attention for this study instead of having it sidetracked so often in favor of routine tasks. subsidy from the Washington Academy of Sciences. Thank you again for your cooperation. developmentse FAW/ap Sincerely yours, I will keep you informed of Freeman A. Weiss Curator