BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CARL LAMANNA, R. E. BUCHANAN CARL LAMANNA, CHAIRMAN SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS R. E. BUCHANAN H. H. McKINNEY M. H. SOULE AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY WH SOULE AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF 2029 M STREET. N. W. RE MAN PATHOLOGISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS WASHINGTON 6. D. Cc. E A. WEISS D. H. WENRICH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS ASSISTANT CURATOR R. W. DAVIDSON R. LLOYD PHILLIPS MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA N. R. SMITH “THD. DAVIS. BacremoLosion AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES . , R. D. COGHILL, G. W. IRVING, JR. SECRETARY-MANAGER NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL KATHERINE ALVORD January 23, 1952 Dre Joshua Lederherg Department of Genetics University of VYisconsin Medison, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: We have a request for a lysogenic strain of Escherichia coli. Dr. Wyekoff, of National Institutes of Health, suggests thet you were credited by Dr. Luria at one time as the source of a strain of this type with which he worked. If you are still carrying it, may we have the fevor of receiving a trensplent? Can you maintain a phage-carrying strein by your silica-gel method of preservation? I heve been trying to line up a research project on this method of preserving cultures, and get a smell grant to support it,since it would require extra assistance, and am horeful that we can scon test it on a representative ranvse cP cultures. Thank you for your kind assistance. Sincerely yours Premne.e A: Weer, Freeman A, ‘Jeiss Curetor