BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARL LAMANNA, R. E. BUCHANAN SOCIETY OF AMERICAN BACTERIOLOGISTS H. H. McKINNEY AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY M. H. SOULE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PATHOLOGISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS D. H. WENRICH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS R. W. DAVIDSON MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA N. R. SMITH AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES R. D, COGHILL, G. W. IRVING, JR. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CARL LAMANNA, CHAIRMAN R. E. BUCHANAN M. H. SOULE AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION 2029 M STREET. N. W. CURATOR FREEMAN A. WEISS WASHINGTON 6, D. C. ASSISTANT CURATOR R,. LLOYD PHILLIPS ISABELLA S. BOULDIN, BACTERIOLOGIST RUTH D. DAVIS, BACTERIOLOGIST SECRETARY-MANAGER KATHERINE ALVORD October 15, 1951 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: I should have written to you before this to thank you for the speciman of Escherichia coli preserved on silica gel, and for the detailed in- formation you comminicated regarding this method of preservation, I had intended to investigate the subject in literature and by consultation with colleagues a little more before attempting a reply. As you doubtless know anyway there is little or no mention in literature of this use of silica gel as a dehydrating end preserving agent, end I have found no femilierity with it among colleagues, although some heve tried to desiccate cultures that were made on hydrated silica gel and, I would add, without success, : ay Th! I find that the Will Corporation can only furnish grenular silica zel that contains a cobalt indicator, ani I suppose this would not be suiteble for the preservation of bacterial cultures, I am writing to the Davison Company for a sample of the non-indicator form of silica gel, Evidently this is a process that it will be well worth while to investigate further, and I am grateful to you for bringing it to my attention, We will test it on as many different kinds of orgenisms as our fecilities permit, Sincerely yours, Few an A. Wert ¥reeman A, Weiss Curator Faw /ap