11/13/52 Dear Josh, Any time you like I can come up. I agree I'd prefer not to come when Luria does as he plans to stop in Chicago on his way. I really look forward to visiting your class. By the way I have a new technician who is very good. So good, in fact, he wants to make EMB plates. Can you tell us what kind of Eosin we should use. As I recall you said one had to be very particular about this. We probably will have missed your call Saturday night. Jane's and mother baby sits for us every Saturday night--leaving us one evening out a week. We still can't make any sense out of the "anti-mutagens." We can talk about it when I'm at Madison. Burnet is giving a lecture at Illinois Med School this afternoon and we're essentially closing the lab to go hear him. Regards, Aaron David is growing rapidly--has been sleeping through the night [ . . . ] weeks old.