January 12, 1953 Dear Josh, Many thanks for the references. By queer coincidence I had just seen the Florey paper the evening before I got your card. This man Levine, whose gadget Florey used, visited us last summer. He claimed he could grow Brucella with a 3 min. generation time. He did not take kindly to my disbelief. Unfortunately Esther's control samples had leaked out when I received them. Tell her I will be happy to oblige any time. Our petite phenomenon which I mentioned to you is still a mystery. Somehow T5 seems to deprive B/5 of iron. This does not occur for UV inactivated T5. Separating the virus from the bacteria with a sheet of cellophane still permits the virus to carry out this activity. By the way, be sure to let us know when you plan to stop over on your way back. It would also be good to see you on your way down, if convenient for you. Best regards, Aaron Novick