THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 37-ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 5650 Ellis Avenue December 14, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh, Enclosed are prints of the glassware design. As you will notice, I have changed several of the joints so as to decrease the likelihood of contamination. Our glassblower, C. C. van Hespen, will make them up for about $55.00 a set. You can write directly to him c/o the Chemistry Department. _ < would like to echo Szilard's sentiments about how nice Norton behaved while here. He stood up very well to Szilard's third degree and, in addition, gave really a nice little talk. Your training was ever in evidence. I saw Roger on his way east. He told me of Konod's review of adaptive enzyme formation. I would like very much to be able to see it. Would it be possible to borrow it for a couple of days? Nothing exciting here. Our experiments are being hindered by a mold which has suddenly appeared and seems to creep through our best filters into our chemostats. Delbruck will visit us Wednesday and Thursday next. If you would like to come down we would be very happy to put you up in our new spacious place. Luria may come up or Max may go down to Urbana Wednesday night. Sincerely, Aaron Novick AN/sds Enclosures