Puerto Vallarta Mexico January 2nd, 1957. Dear Dr. Lederberg If you agree with me on the value (?) of the MS I sent to you I think that the next thing, for me, to do is to look into the fact that lambda HFT (from the 112 Gal- transduced cell) does not multiply in a GaI- cell. I would like to prove that lambda HFT multiples in a Gal+ cell and does not multiply as HFT in Gal- cell, not picking[?] the Gal- marker of the host cell (I have prelimaniry [sic] experiments with a bad Gal- of Bollman[?] that seems to show that) or picking it and becoming a new HFT. For these experiments I would need then your Gal1- and Gal2- strains sensition[?] to lambda (I think the other nutritional markers dont [sic] matter unless you tell me why) and just in case Gal1- and Gal2-. If I need to make them lysogenic I would prefer to have markers (+++) (according to Dale Rainer[?]) on the prophages. So I would be very grateful to you if you could send me these three strains in Pasadena where I expect to be back in a week or so. Thanks in advance Yours Weigli P.S. Arbor tells me that after transduction with lambda HFT inactivated by UV most (if not all) of the transduced cells are stable Gal+ (and thus not heterogenates). Did Morse find the same thing?