July 26, 1951 Dear Josh, Sorry so late in sending the slants (which are on the way) but I went to Ann Arbor to give a talk at their Symp. on Biophysics. My talk and Luria's were good--the others dull and I am happy to be back. Poor Salva will be there for three weeks. The only B auxotrophs I have are single requires except in two cases where I isolated the [ . . . ] of an arg-(D84) and a hist (W74). They, however, revert to trypt and T1 senst. Why, I do not understand. The series labeled B- X I got from Gots. The W-X from Writkin, and they are B/r except for D-84 which is B. The B-X slants were old and the transfers may not take. If so I will open a deep-frozen stock and send you another slant. Gots has many more Bauxotrophs, some are listed in the MGB stock lists--I don't recall which issue. Szilard is in Colorado, it's hot as hell here, and I hope we can escape to Madison for a few days. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] We have been cleaning up loose ends. The mutation rate to V6 seems to be time dependent also. In other respects it's quite different from V5 five, e.g. effect of mutagens being only 1/2. Many thanks for negatives. Eager to see foot prints (if you'll forgive a Davisism). Not much else new or interesting. Hope to see you not too far in future. Many regards from Jane and me to Esther and you. Aaron