June 2, 50 Dear Josh, I went camera shopping for you. The best buy seems to be Voigtlander Vito. It is a new camera and is being sold out cheaply since a newer model with a built in flash is coming out. It had sold for $55. It is now $34.50 plus $6.75 for a case if you like one. It has a f25 lens of good design and a first class shutter. It is very compact, light, and has a right "feel". I think it a much better buy then the Kodak Pony. You can order it by mail. I enclose a card from a salesman who is even a Wisconsin alumnus. I have written to Hershey, Spiegelman, Bertoni, and Muller. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from them regarding arrival times, etc. I have asked them to take the 6:45 pm Mil. Rd. train. [ . . . ] has not called yet. Szilard has been away and he returns Monday. Aaron