December 12, 1949. Dr. Aaron Novick, 6200 Drexel Ave., Chicago 37, Til. Dear Aaron: We will be coming down Sunday afternoon, by car or train depending on the weather, arriving about 5 - 6 PM. How long weesexpect to st&y will depend on the duration of the meetings. If they are not concluded by about Tuesday noon, I will probably have to stay over Tuesaday aight, through Wednesday. I've been starting to go into some radioblological work myself, with a study of the UV responses of the diploid strains. The most surprising result, perhaps, is that there is no marked difference in the crude experi- ments already done, but this prohably means that the total mean genome count per cell is not far apart in the multinucleate diploid and the (more?) multdinucleate haploid cells. See you soon- Joshua Lederberg