Telephone, EXecutive 8100 Cable Address, COINEX, Washington, D. C. CONFERENCE BOARD OF ASSOCIATED RESEARCH COUNCILS COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF PERSONS Mailing address: 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington 25, D. C. Office address: 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 6, D. C. September 3, 1952 Professor Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: The Committee on International Exchange of Persons has been given your name as a reference by the Applicant named on the enclosed confidential report form. It would be appreciated if you would provide the Committee with your ap- praisal of the applicant's personal character, his professional qualifications, and his ability to accomplish the purpose for which the grant has been requested. Your comments will be used only in connection with a review of the candidate's application. The Committee has found that comments from references on the following points are particularly helpful in reviewing applications: What have been the achievements of the applicant, and what is his promise as a scholar or teacher considering his age and present stage of professional development? If the candidate is applying for an award as a visiting lecturer, does he possess sufficient maturity and experience to undertake teaching responsibilities in a foreign university and to represent creditably his American colleagues? If the applicant requests an award for advanced research, does he have the necessary preparation in his special field, as well as the intellectual qualifications, to undertake independent and productive research? How would his candidacy be viewed by his colleagues in regard to his professional standing? Would he be an effective representative of American academic and cultural Life? As the objective of the Fulbright program is to foster international under- standing as well as to assist individuals in furthering their professional de- velopment, the Committee is especially interested in evidences of the applicant's adaptability, interest in human relations, and capacity for constructive leader- ship. It is also hoped that you will refer to any other factors which you feel the Committee should consider in reviewing the application, Sincerely yours, Francis A. ene FAY:ALS Executive Secretary Sep 51 Purpose for which the grant is requested: See applicant's statement on the enclosed report form.