November 39, 1949. Dr. Aaron Novick, 6200 Drexel St., Chicago 37, Tal. Dear Aaron- 679 is in the mail. Your results are very interesting -—- but they sound a little familiar. I hope you are working with K-12 and not con ftaminants! THB mediua is really a great help in identifying strains. all spoofing aside, 1t sounds a bit as if a radiation-resistant mutation hus been saceupuluted between K-12 and 679-680. I axmpact that we will be down on the 19th. What in the world is Lu gcing to chicago for a vacation for? If the keather is good, wa may drive down in our new Plymouth— That leads to a tale. The grind in the transmission of our old Chev was probably just the pan underneath the flywheel rubbing against the ring-gear teeth of the flywhe@l, because there was a lot of sand under there and a loose bolt or two. We hed no trouble getting back, especially by the tine we passed the TLl-—“is border, except what was in our own alinds. But we took the incident as an omen from the Gods, and decided to try to get a new car right away. I was tempted to call you and ask you to place an order in Chicago, for a Chev., but miy earageman mentioned where I could get a Plymouth, right away, with no frilis (not even a heater!). So we did, and I evan did better than I exnected on the tradein: $ 160. It's a nice car, with good lines, visibility, etc.... but I'n not going to be a salesmun. Since it's a 4-door sedan, it would be very practical if we should be able to persuade Jane and you to accompany us on our trek across, and up and down, the country next summer. Thanks for the coat, by the way, Sorry to have put you to the trouble. Would Ssilard or yourself care to visit Wisconsin officially, and discuss photorecovery? Gur travel funds are very restricted, but we could pay expenses for the trip. If either of you could possibly :nanage it, we would be very pleased. There are a great many groups here at the uni- versity that weuld be interested to heaf a talk on this subject. Best regards,