ny THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 37- ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 6200 Drexel Avenue October 20, 19h9 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture The University of “isconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshs Jane and I are happy that you will stay with us. If you should become obnoxious, we will pack you off to a hotel. Regarding the lecture, I suggest that you plan a popular lecture for Friday and a more advanced talk for ionday. The audience for your Friday talk will probably be between fifty and two hundred. A sub— stantial fraction will be people with only a slight knowledge of microbiology. I think that it would be very nice if you could present your whole story for sexual reproduction in coli. You need not refer to radiation in any way or even make the lendBplications that Luria would surely employ. I think it would be very nice if you would Come bring oyt the fundamental, importance of recombination for genetics ro" I Aah epee cae patent would only modify what I have said by 4 7 a telling you that you have a free hand to discuss whatever you like. Akasa y The nnesmlren My plans are to leave Chicago late Thursday afternoon, spend the - night in Lafayette, and proceed to Crawfordsville in the morning. T+ _3e It is the only way I can get there in time. Anyway, there are some : A eel friends at Purdue that I want to see, whl mothe ow goo top Let me tell you how you can reach us when you arrive. Our ‘ address is 1125 East 61st Street; phone Midway 3-1959. Jane is at ‘Midway 3-0300, Extension 1170, until 5:00, and then goes home and is there all evening. By the way, to spare your nickels, the lab phone during the day is Butterfield 8-800, Extension 61. After 5:00, it is Butterfield 8-809 or 805. Szilard's home address is 816 Blackstone; phone Midway 3-055. I am sorry I won't be at the dinner, but I am sure that Szilard will take good care of you. We are trying to get tickets for a decent play. Alternatively, there is a documentary film exhibition that evening. It will be good to see you both. Sincerely, (ukick Idol?) R's, Hall ge anu mae re Gm 6 thy GF Ul be his er Lf rill oe hay wh (a