October 17, 1949. Dear Aaron: Esther and I will be delighted to stay chez Novick per your invi- tation, provided having us for 3 days won't be too mech of a burden. But you can always kick us out and pack us to a hotel. Your buildup is no great help! I am gojng to find it a little dif- ficult to reconcile my talk with radiobiology: perhaps you could help me on this point? What argument was used to convince the administration of the relevance of sex to radiation! I would, in fact, appreciate it very mich if you could give me a lead on the kind and size of audience I can expect, and what amaxk sort of approach would be most appropriate. For example, I could try to review radiation genetics of bacteria, and merely cap that with recombinational evidence for bacterial genes. Could you give this some thought and then let me know your ideas? We know tho Slotin was- don't remember our going with you to Parker House to have some drinks with his brother? Nothing of interest is going to be said either in the first or the second lecture. We are rather bogged down in details now, especially on the heterozygote. A cytological study is in progress, but I don't think there will be anything definite for a couple of months. Unless the weather is very bad, we will be driving down, and expect to arrive in Chicago anywhere from 4-6 PM on Thursday afternoon. If you can't be reacked either at the lab, of at home, at that time, give me more detailed instructions. What is the lab phone, by the way? You ought to have 4& on the stationery: I lose a nickel every time we go to Chicago. (or in the directory! /) I do hope you won't desert me for the dinner Friday. It sounds very grin. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg