THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 37+-+ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 6200 Drexel Avenue October 17, 199 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I am writing with no particular purpose in mind except to say hello and to offer several minor ideas. Apparently a dinner is being planned for you on Friday after the lecture, and apparently it will be a male only dinner. In that event, I thought it would be nice if Esther and Jane could have dinner and see a play. If this idea appeals to Esther, we will order tickets immediately. The sooner we know, the better tickets we can get. I trust you realize what famous lecturer company you are now keeping. Robert Oppenheimer had the lecture last year. In case you are not aware of who Slotin was, let me tell you. He was a physicist with a background in chemistry who was on the project. He maintained considerable interest in biological problems. As you may recall, he and Evans, from the Biochemistry Department here, wrote several papers together. I should know the work but it completely escapes my mind. My vague recollection is that it had to do with C02 assimilation. Slotin was fatally injured in an accident at Los Alamos. He was very much liked by everyone and consequently the lectureship developed. I think it very nice that you are giving the lecture. And only Szilard could arrange for such a lecture to be given in two sections (which I think is a nice idea). I will miss your first lecture and probably the dinner, as I am geing down to give a talk at Wabash College as part of a roundtable Luria arranged in connection with a meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science. Spiegleman and Vertani (Dulbecco's replace- ment) will also participate. I trust that you will bring us up to date before the second lecture, or else promise to say nothing of interest in the first lecture. Please forgive my usual stiffness of style, but again I am dictating to a secretary, and the solemnity restrains my normally ebullient per- sonality. It will be good to see you and Esther again. As I said in the phone call, it will be nice to have you stay with us, but should you wish, we will get you a hotel room and our feelings will not be hurt. Incidently, we now, as a result of visiting you, have a foam rubber mattress. Best regards, batman AN/sds Aaron